The Jasad Heir (The Scorched Throne #1)

Favorite Quotes…

“Two things stood between me and a good night’s sleep, and I was allowed to kill only one of them.”

“I am not killing my fig plant.” I pushed to my feet. “I’m cultivating its fighter’s spirit.”

“There is no such thing as a worthy sacrifice. There are only those who die, and those willing to let them.”

“His will is strong. It always is, in the self-righteous…But the will of the damned is even stronger.”

“Shame is a dangerous feeling to manipulate. Pull at the string too many times, and it will eventually snap into apathy.”

“With him, every aversion was a craving. That even though one day I would kneel before Jasad’s judges in the afterlife to account for it, I would not renounce a single moment of loving the Nizahl Heir.”

by Sara Hashem

5 out of 5 stars

I just stumbled upon "The Jasad Heir" by Sarah Hashem when scrolling through IG reels, and boy, am I glad I picked it up! This isn't just another fantasy novel; it's a journey. Set in an Egyptian-inspired universe, this debut novel offers a tantalizing mix of intricate world-building, lifelike characters, and a plot that's a whirlwind of emotions and surprises.

Central to the story is Sylvia, previously known as Essiya, the Heir of Jasad. While she's been in hiding for years, believed to be dead, her spirit remains unbroken. But as the narrative unfolds, Sylvia is forced to confront a past she's long suppressed. She grapples with the blurred lines between reality and memory, unearthing dark secrets about her royal lineage. The revelations are shocking: betrayals that have shaped her tragic past and a royal family whose honor is questionable at best.

The dynamic between Sylvia and Arin is undeniably one of the standout elements of this book. From their initial encounters, it's clear that their relationship is anything but simple. Embarking on a journey that epitomizes the enemies-to-lovers trope, their interactions are charged with a mix of animosity, intrigue, and undeniable attraction. At the outset, their differences and past conflicts set them on opposing sides, creating a palpable tension whenever their paths cross. Yet, as the story progresses, the layers of their relationship begin to peel back. Moments of vulnerability, shared challenges, and mutual respect start to punctuate their interactions. The push and pull between them, filled with moments of conflict and tenderness, makes their evolving relationship a captivating dance of emotions. Hashem masterfully delves into the complexities of their bond. She paints a picture of two strong-willed individuals, each with their own burdens and past traumas, finding common ground amidst the chaos. Their interactions oscillate between moments of fiery passion and quiet understanding, showcasing a depth that goes beyond mere attraction.

Sefa and Marek are not just secondary characters; they are integral to the fabric of "The Jasad Heir." Sefa, with her unwavering loyalty and sharp wit, often serves as a grounding force in the midst of the story's chaos. Her insights and perspectives provide a fresh lens through which the events unfold, and her interactions with Sylvia reveal layers of their shared history and the depth of their bond. Marek, on the other hand, is a character shrouded in mystery. His motivations are not immediately clear, and his relationship with Arin is complex, marked by a mix of rivalry and begrudging respect. As the story progresses, Marek's role becomes more pronounced, revealing a character who is both strategic and deeply emotional. His decisions and actions have far-reaching implications, making him a pivotal player in the unfolding drama. Together, Sefa and Marek add layers of complexity to the narrative. Their relationships with Sylvia and Arin, their individual backstories, and their roles in the larger plot introduce added intrigue and depth, making the narrative even more compelling.

The plot weaves a complex web of intrigue, politics, and power struggles. As Sylvia strikes a perilous deal, she's plunged into a strategic game of survival. Every alliance, move, and betrayal carries weight, with the narrative keeping the reader engrossed.

Hashem's prose is both poetic and evocative, painting a vivid picture of a world that's both familiar and otherworldly. The Egyptian-inspired setting provides a unique cultural richness, with traditions, customs, and beliefs masterfully integrated into the tale.

Throughout "The Jasad Heir," readers are taken on an emotional rollercoaster, exploring profound themes of love, sacrifice, betrayal, and redemption. Sylvia's quest for self-understanding, set against the backdrop of societal expectations and cultural intricacies, adds a layer of depth to the story. It's not just about grand battles or political maneuverings; it's a heartfelt journey of self-acceptance, growth, and transformation.

In conclusion, "The Jasad Heir" is more than just a fantasy novel—it's an experience. Sarah Hashem's inaugural venture into the literary world showcases her innate ability to craft a narrative that resonates on multiple levels. The book lingers in the mind, creating a lasting impression. The twists at the end were unexpected, and I am wildly in anticipation of the next chapter in this mesmerizing saga.



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